The Bion-Argonaut
The sword of the Argonaut
Today is a very significant day for RL2.2-Argonaut . The yeast strain is being injected with a Bion Rich sample that will promote replication of the cells .
The chemical catalyst of the Bion Sample will interact with the magnetic resonance, LDR , FM/UHF/VHF, Orgone field within the room. As has been observed in independent studies here at Lab 5 the addition of Bions combined with the predicted expression of the NGBD broadcast within the agar medium should cause expression of the best RNA while Bion metabolism is expected to aid in the replication of the cells themselves.
The incubation temperature has been carefully monitored and through much trial and error a more effective set up has been attained
Here follows our Daily Standard Analysis (DSA)
Incubator temp: 23.7C
Diff s/y: +1.6C
Vessel temp: 22.2C
Diff s/y: 0C
Vessel weight : 929g
Diff s/y: 0g
Yeast temp: 20.5C
Diff s/y: -0.3C
Brix: 11.9%
Diff s/y: +2.9%
Sg: 1.048
Diff s/y: +0.012
pH: 4.8
Diff s/y: 0
A breakdown of the process
Sample is immersed in a rice cooker Bain Marie water is added to the sample to give the Bions active dispersal medium
An aluminum foil cover is wiped down with Anti-bacterial wipes and the Bion culture is covered
Sample is "cooked" for 15 minutes reactivating the Bions and cleaning the vessel
Sample is then put into a toaster oven at lowest setting for 10 minutes still covered
Lowest setting is 65C
TEMP increased to next setting for 10 minutes
Same for next setting this is the last phase ideally the sample should be moist and not immersed sample will have boiled.
Sample cools for 1 hour
Sample now has 2 drops of Bion concentrate
28 drops fertilizer and 1 vitamin tablet with 1 pinch of KCl+sulfur powder
Consistent emf readings are an excellent control system
Magnetometer reading helps display graphically the displacement of the Magnetic field
About 370 micro sieverts/hour radiation
"We do not grow into life -life grows from within and becomes a part of us. "