AM'Nubis Lord of Life and Death
It seems things have gotten a bit out of brain...i mean hand here at Lab 5
Our sample RL-2.2-ARGONAUT is doing things in its own way and beyond the NGBD there's not much to be done to keep this creature in check.
Radiorgonomic intervention has played a significant role in this project to date and today sets the bench mark. As was posited by Dr. Wilhelm Reich the presence if Bions causes a difference in mass dispersion.
To calibrate I took a measure of this lighter
Again same lighter same conditions 18g
I tare the weight with lighter to prove my point mass is 18g
My sample in the vessel weighed 928 G or 44g less than yesterday! Accordingly the calibrated Refractometer measured 7.6% or +0.8% since yesterday and since 1 tablespoon of sugar weighs 22.7198 G the sugar is not the culprit. This is not inaccuracy this is science.
The Radiorgonomic process appears to liberate mass according to some chemo/physical reaction. Currently my theory is that this mass is converted to density which would be supported by this
Cells agglomeration -when 1 becomes 2 or single cell starts to evolve to multi cell
Left -centre a cell with a line extending to another: the hyphae of a yeast cell extending its budding yeast offspring on a short leash cells stay connected instead of divisible.