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It's LDR time again.. were all pretty ionized about it!

Yesterday we added sulfur along with sugar as food supply to Osiris. Tomorrow well prepare a microscope specimen to be examined on Thursday to watch the progress of our evolving strain. 

I never said it was going to be pretty

Today no sugar was added and our Radiorgonomic NGBD was utilized to transmit FM frequency with Nuclear -polarized Bion field through and around our sample. 

NGBD with yeast in sample well

The fm  frequency should stimulate movement within the liquid medium .Simultaneously, by the application of LDR without having received further quanta of sugar in theory this should trigger the Yeast to mutate under the conditions of being "deprived" of food source in conjunction with the radiation should force cell mutation to adapt to the slightly alcoholic environment.  In turn the future generations of yeast will have a slightly higher alcohol tolerance should the cells survive the process. This process has been performed in the past but sample has always had more than adequate food supply.

Magnetometer reading at base of tower

LDR reading via Geiger counter

Ionizing radiation is used to stimulate the auto regenerative response in yeast that triggers the conservation of the best genetic candidates eliminating weak RNA.

Audio spectrographic analysis taken shows the frequency modulation used.

Magnetic field density mid-tower position

The magnetic field should help align the Yeast according to the towers n-s position allowing the production of Bion Cells to stimulate mRNA transfer more efficiently. 

In light of this new progress if the new strain survives this process we will call it:

Research-Yeast-Strain-7-Lab 5-Janus

Or RL7-Janus this is due to the older strain of yeast having come from 2 former strains and the new strain having been bred within the same vessel. 



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