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The Egg and The Osiris

Oh sorry... I didn't know you were... nvm I'll be going now 

So tonight I let Osiris and our new genetic material settle in ,being the good room mate I am I left a pizza outside the door and rang the door bell leaving them to their privacy.

Injecting 4 tablespoons sugar into the mix and our homemade improvised source of sulfur -- yep egg whites or albumen which contain 0.195 mG of sulfur per egg which sounds quite small but is perfect for our purposes. I used 10G of egg white . The sulfur will enable the Yeast cells to produce cysteine, methionine, homocysteine, and taurine these are crucial amino acids that make up delicious RNA. 

The good stuff.

We're also working on a great Alchemy vs. Chemistry composition for you all. From the depths of Lab 5

Thank you!


A.M. AD , Scientist

Here's a handy dandy link on how to hardboil eggs:

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