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Dont Keep Kahm and Do Move on

520 am you wake up for your regular job still sipping your . . . Wait one damn minute now... wtf?

Kahn yeast a sneaky foreign invader yeast that forms in an aerobic environ cheeky little nastards

Left unchecked mold will grow on top of this ruining all the hard work

"So I set to work before work lol "

I sanitized a stainless steel spoon with antibacterial soap then wiped it down with disinfectant wipes and hot rinse then cold rinse and then...

Scooped off as much of the Kahm as I could so the yeast beneath could respirator CO2 all was good I went to work.

French accent

8 hours later

Thankfully with this having been removed this morning no further growth was found.

I then extracted the good yeast from the very bottom of the container --if it wasn't for the Kahm I wouldn't have had to perform this step it would seem the Radiorgonomic process isn't selective about which growth gets accelerated . . Interesting.

Yes it's on carpet  it's cleaned thoroughly before and after every use as well. This was used to extricate the good yeast from target culture. 

Target culture -Brix 7% 1.027 SG

4.8 pH

30 Degrees Celsius

 A bit warm but it will cool down and be within the ideal range for reproduction very soon.

Feeder culture for introducing fresh genetic material consistently

Yeast photo parade!

All goes well within growth has been successful and cycle 2 comes next week !

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