Moving Forward with Cellular Research
When last we met Laboratory 5 was in the midst of gearing up for full research mode and we've been doing just that for the last 3 days or so.
Preparing to embark on another voyage of discovery with yeast culturing today a sample of pure sugar was distilled until it's water concentration was less than 10%.
Here at Laboratory 5 we're ramping up to create a series of elixirs, tinctures and eventually a Prima Ens Melissa!
We're not back tracking here whatsoever but for practicality sake our medicine cupboard was looking a bit bare with only 7 Planetary Elixirs in there so we decided to get things moving !
The process from the ground up:
1. Refine and purify sugar as much as possible (the sugar being a specific colour also makes it much easier to keep track of yeast reuptake since I don't happen to have a DNA resequencer or an electron microscope... yet
2. Begin Breeding yeast culture (...more on that later)
3. Utilize NGBD broadcasts to increase yeast reproduction and Bion utilization.
4 Breed Super Snowflake Yeast in tandem with Bion research.
5. Produce large quantities of alcohol.
6. Distill alcohol and obtain at least 90-95% purity.
7. Gather Ginko Biloba from source.
8. Create an Ens Biloba ah ha THE MELISSA COMES LATER!
This is just a rough list so stay tuned because there is a lot going to happen in the next little while and it's definitely worth the time reading these little articles.